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In 2019,  it was estimated that nearly 20% of the U.S. workforce is remote full time or nearly so.   As the Covid crisis develops, we can expect a massive increase in the coming months and likely a faster shift and increase to remote. How long will it be until 50% of work is accomplished in home offices. Likely sooner that many of us think. Remote work poses many of the same management and leadership challenges, but in different ways - and it has some totally different concerns as well. As we move forward in 2020, we are building a way to better service organizations that need tools and assistance to deal with remote work issues.

Creating Capability: 

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Virtually every organization has a formal structure and a formal network with formal communications and systems   but each day as customers interact, projects get done, individual tasks get accomplished, it is the informal network where most of the real work gets done.  Increasingly this informal network extends out to other organizations and to customers. 

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In this month's discussion, we focus on WHY you might benefit from having an actionable understanding of your job.  Please tune in as industry expert, Alan Hoffmanner, summarizes some of the issues in this 4 minute video segment.  Let us know if you have any questions or comments as always!

Creating Capability: 

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Increasingly talent management processes and particularly talent development are being infused, if you will, with data from many sources:  external, pulse surveys, internal HRIS systems and still others.     With administrative processes, there are success stories emerging in using Machine Learning and AI.    For selection and development decision support, there are many attempts, promotions and "hype" but real results are not in evidence

Creating Capability: 

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In order to secure a job offer,  short-listed candidates usually pass through an interview process. The questions is - how good of a process is it?  Well truthfully,  what we see most commonly is they pass through a series of interviews with an informal processing of the information - but not really a clear process. The problem with non process-oriented interviewing  is that it involves considerable subjectivity and activates a whole slew of human biases.

Charlene Castillo's picture

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Most organizations want their people to be inspired, focused on dealing with reality as it is, pro-active and happy,  but few achieve it over time.  Whether you call it motivation, engagement, high performance  or whatever…,  there are all kinds of supposed solutions but few that provide much benefit.  One piece of the puzzle lies in basing your actions on validated data that underlies these factors- what employees expect and their natural tendencies related to what motivates and activates them.

The following video discussion overviews a new capability and one we've found highly effective for the following:


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