Strategic Goal Achievement Programs

What has been your track record with choosing the most worthwhile goals? What about your success in achieving the goals you have planned for? 

There are numerous barriers to effective strategic goal achievement. The Strat-Lev program, will help you gather the right information efficiently, process it and  use it effectively  and then deploy a plan that gets successfully implemented and that, most importantly, gets the desired results.

Your Strategic Goal Situation Analysis and Plan includes your processes, programs, tools, vision and events that result in your long term plan, worthwhile goals, means of implementing strategic actions… What are the critical success factors at completion?

  • There is a clear basis for prioritizing actions and decisions, a clear mission and purpose.
  • A clear strategy has led to (caused) your structure, staffing and focus.
  • People are fixated on and emotionally attached to the same vision and goals.
  • There is clarity on the actions needed to be taken to realize the vision and achieve the key goals.
  • Every long-term program needs a catalyst, motivation, a kickoff, buy-in, excitement… Yours do!
  • There is a clear marketing plan with alignment among price, information, solutions and distribution strategies.
  •  You have an accurate and current understanding of your external environment: economic, technological, regulatory/legal, competitive (5 forces), sociological and a process for keeping this current.
  • There is a deep understanding of your customers’ and potential customers’ needs and issues for each of your target market segments; There is a process to ensure this stays current.
  • Key internal strengths and weaknesses AND external opportunities, threats and trends are understood, focused upon and incorporated into your decision-making processes on a regular basis. Critical Success Factors are a key focus.
  • The rules of the game (marketplace) and scope of the game you are playing is known and clearly understood by all.
  • Milestones, tracking measurements and regular communications are set up to motivate and help ensure progress, achieve a strategic/tactical balance as well as diagnose any causes of problems...