Improving Business Performance through Better People

Decisions, Management and Engagement:  A Discussion

Foundations for Creating and Maintaining High Performance in Executive Teams

This begins our 4 part series on building high performance team using validated data and  an effective process.  Each discussion will be accompanied by a  video discussing the issues, concepts and  methods. 

Projects, programs, processes, initiatives,…  Leading teams and collaboration are important and the leadership tasks to facilitate them are typically more challenging in a remote or blended-remote environment.  No matter what environment that you are in,  understanding others which includes their tendencies, motivations and preferences is critical.  This greatly helps to avoid unnecessary conflicts , unproductive politics and other waste.  It is even more important with remote teams.  How do you get and keep a team performing optimally?  There is general agreement that to do it well and consistently, you need to start from a foundation in trustworthiness which includes both job and task competency as well as behavioral attributes underlying good ethics, relevant interpersonal skills and personal effectiveness. This provides the necessary foundation for trust so that work relationships can be built and the team can be productive. This, then, in turn provides the foundation for commitment to common shared goals and values as well as engagement on the problems and issues. Then, with this, you have  the ability to create shared and individual accountability simultaneously so that problems get surfaced and solved.  Help is also sought when needed and there is shared responsibility  which then leads to inspired work driven by team interaction and results. This needs constant reinforcement which intensifies when change and new challenges are introduced.  Below we discuss a model for developing team effectiveness and creating actionable understanding of self, team and focus.

The Ultimate Management Tool, What is it?What if you could design the ultimate management tool - Would it help select / hire the best?What if you could design the Ultimate Management Tool? Would it help Engage and Motivate your People?The Ultimate Management Tool? Would it help you retain them?The Ultimate Management Tool? Would it help you Develop them optimally?What would your Ultimate Management Tool consist of?What would your Ultimate Management Tool consist of?If you accurately understand then you can...Execute Optimally with accurate understanding / Execute poorly with misunderstandingHATS: Perhaps, the Ultimate Management Tool

"The U.S. Department of Labor has estimated the costs to replace an employee to be approximately 1/3 their annual salary; but when you start looking at the impact of hiring the wrong employee and having to replace them, some studies say 2.5 times annual earnings, some 4 times and some even higher." AGILEdge