Improving Business Performance through Better People

Decisions, Management and Engagement:  A Discussion

Managing Remote Work- Attempt 1

In 2019,  it was estimated that nearly 20% of the U.S. workforce is remote full time or nearly so.   As the Covid crisis develops, we can expect a massive increase in the coming months and likely a faster shift and increase to remote. How long will it be until 50% of work is accomplished in home offices. Likely sooner that many of us think. Remote work poses many of the same management and leadership challenges, but in different ways - and it has some totally different concerns as well. As we move forward in 2020, we are building a way to better service organizations that need tools and assistance to deal with remote work issues. To do this more effectively, we've created an approach and influence model as a working prototype. This short video describes our initial attempt at that...

The Ultimate Management Tool, What is it?What if you could design the ultimate management tool - Would it help select / hire the best?What if you could design the Ultimate Management Tool? Would it help Engage and Motivate your People?The Ultimate Management Tool? Would it help you retain them?The Ultimate Management Tool? Would it help you Develop them optimally?What would your Ultimate Management Tool consist of?What would your Ultimate Management Tool consist of?If you accurately understand then you can...Execute Optimally with accurate understanding / Execute poorly with misunderstandingHATS: Perhaps, the Ultimate Management Tool

"The U.S. Department of Labor has estimated the costs to replace an employee to be approximately 1/3 their annual salary; but when you start looking at the impact of hiring the wrong employee and having to replace them, some studies say 2.5 times annual earnings, some 4 times and some even higher." AGILEdge