People Optimization

Creating Capability: 

To achieve understanding and assist with your execution, we work with, what we have determined, is the best assessment system available today globally.  For many, we also believe, it may be the most powerful part of their management system.   It's called the Harrison Assessments Talent Solutions System (HATS).   It's key components are as follows:

Creating Capability: 

Human beings are complex creatures but behavioral science has shown us to be rather predictable under the normal stress of work,  We are predictable in how in our natural tendencies, in what we avoid, in what we are attracted to ... well over a hundred traits and tendencies. 

Creating Capability: 

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What  does people optimization entail? In some of our discussions and feedback on our website, we've received comments along the lines, "You can't optimize people..." To which our response is, REALLY!  Further, we say, if you are a manager over a group of people and you don't have a mindset where you are consciously trying get the most from or make the most of the productivity of your people, then you are probably a bad manager.

Creating Capability: 

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The Gallup organization recently did a study that concluded that disengaged (i.e. unenthusiastic, unmotivated etc..) employees cost, on average, an additional 33% of the money spent on salaries.  That is,  if you’re a small business with a $1 million dollar payroll, you are incurring a $300,000+ cost burden if you do not have highly engaged employees.

How do you get there?

First of all, you have to have an understanding of what engagement is and how you measure it? Engagement is a condition in the culture of an organization by which your employees ..

Creating Capability: 

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Here are a few question to address your organization's problem-solving effectiveness:

Do the leaders in your organization understand accurately the underlying values and mindsets regarding addressing root causes or solving problems?
How much fear/paranoia (really) exists in surfacing problems, in other words, when employees see a problem or an opportunity to improve, how likely are to surface that problem even if they may believe they may have some "blame"?
How does this contribute to employees preferring to keep problems they see to themselves?
When problems occur, are employees supported in their effort to determine root causes or find solution or does the blame game kick in?
Is there a divide between those who create and those who solve problems?

Creating Capability: 

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Our personal lives consist of numerous processes - some of which we are not conscious and some that we are.  A number of these are critical to our well being and on the hand, a considerable number are inconsequential. In organizations, especially in managerial or knowledge worker settings, processes are the keys to success. Processes are the sequences of activities and decisions/choices that we participate in to achieve goals which include inputs (often costly) that are transformed into outputs and outcomes. The quality and effectiveness of the key processes within our organizations are directly related  to the results we achieve.

Creating Capability: 

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When it comes to leading and managing an organization of high performers, a leader needs to focus alternately on selection, development, focus and alignment with a fair amount of reinforcement thrown in. If they do this effectively, they optimize their people. That is, they create a powerful, highly capable, enthusiastic team or set of teams that gets the right things done right and achieves goals. Unfortunately, far too many do not do this at all. 


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"The U.S. Department of Labor has estimated the costs to replace an employee to be approximately 1/3 their annual salary; but when you start looking at the impact of hiring the wrong employee and having to replace them, some studies say 2.5 times annual earnings, some 4 times and some even higher." AGILEdge