People Selection

Creating Capability: 

With the new technology implemented through the Harrison Assessments system, the world of assessments has dramatically changed. Using digital technology along with new advances in behavioral technology,  a large leap in levels of accuracy, depth of understanding, job-specificity and management value have been achieved.   To learn more about what makes assessments effective, insightful, legally robust and valuable to managing businesses, read the white paper booklet below.

Creating Capability: 

Blog Category: 

An Interview with Dr. Dan Harrison on a Disruptive Technology...

Using Paradox Methodology and SmartQuestionnaire Technology to dramatically improve the Hiring / Selection processes

Charlene Castillo's picture

Creating Capability: 

A Discussion on the Dimensions of Validity

Harrison Assessments has researched, documented and validated the instrument during the past 24 years and ranks among the highest in the industry for construct, face, criterion, and test-retest validity. There are several “types” of validity, and all must be seriously considered for use of an assessment.

Creating Capability: 

Blog Category: 

By accessing this specific research or running a study on a job you are hiring for, to fine tune the specifications, the level of understanding is increased greatly.  The end result is a single number, based on research that constitutes a probability of success in that job (success = high performance).  Selection decisions can be made MUCH more accurately.   Just in the last couple years, leading companies such as  MasterCard, Travelers, Qualcomm and hundreds of others have begun adopting this approach to select their people.

Creating Capability: 

When you hire, promote or designate someone with a key role or a special responsibility, you want to ensure that they are the best person for the job: integrity, attitude,  fit, …All these are key. On the other hand, no one is perfect fit for significant responsibility so knowing the potential issues and dealing with them up front helps optimize performance.

Creating Capability: 


Blog Category: 

Today, I attended the Wall Street Journal series of events entitled How I Built It.    As a follow-on to their  ongoing column where they profile  entrepreneurs who have built successful enterprises, they are doing a small "nationwide" tour where their small business editor (and the audience) interviews a group of 6 of these folks in an attempt to better understand their experiences, success models etc…  

At today's even t(3/31/11), attendees included the founders/co-founders from the following firms: Popchips, One Kings Lane,, Ouidad and Reef.


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"The U.S. Department of Labor has estimated the costs to replace an employee to be approximately 1/3 their annual salary; but when you start looking at the impact of hiring the wrong employee and having to replace them, some studies say 2.5 times annual earnings, some 4 times and some even higher." AGILEdge