People Selection

Creating Capability: 

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When you want to improve your ability to select the right people for the job, or manage them more effectively, or develop them optimally, you need to realize that decision support tools have drastically improved in the last few years.    Choosing the right employees and managing them effectively involves ongoing decisions that need to be supported with critical information.  The validated information that is now available inexpensively is a really a game changer  (in the game of management).


Creating Capability: 

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With advances in behavioral science combined with digital technology, great improvements have recently been made in our ability to predict performance in specific jobs and with the underlying predictive data, to assist in better onboarding and managing employees.  When it comes time to acquire talent, develop talent, plan talent or build effective teams, if you're not understanding the natural tendencies, motivations, work preferences, task preferences and attitudes of your people, you are paying a big price whether you know it or not. 


Creating Capability: 

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Many organizations have failed to see the full promise of talent management systems and the two most common reasons are partial implementations and failing to integrate predictive behavioral information on each employee with their talent management processes and systems.  


Creating Capability: 

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As we enter 2016,  you hear story after story about the internet of things, the union of ecommerce with digital intelligence, cognitive computing and the cognitive business.  Even Warren Buffet has got into the act, investing billions in IBM in the last year or so, believing in their main focus on it.  Cognitive, of course, in this sense has to do with non- humans (businesses, organizations, machines, systems… ) understanding, reasoning and learning. A key aspect of this is what  getting access to the 80% of data that is "


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"The U.S. Department of Labor has estimated the costs to replace an employee to be approximately 1/3 their annual salary; but when you start looking at the impact of hiring the wrong employee and having to replace them, some studies say 2.5 times annual earnings, some 4 times and some even higher." AGILEdge