Michelle Serra's blog

Creating Capability: 


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Finding the perfect candidate is the desire when you have to hire a new employee.  How often does it happen? I think if you look at how most define perfect- it never happens.  It is like dating or picking a team for kickball or softball,  you have to try to find the optimal person, given what is available. 

What is the key?  Ideally, it's having the information so you can most accurately and objectively predict future performance. And inside this predictive information, in each of the imperfect candidates, its being able to understand the full package -the good, the bad and the ugly so you can make the best decision.

Creating Capability: 


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Soft skills are critical across nearly all organizations- team behaviors,  management skills, communication capabilities, group problem solving, group decision making, personal effectiveness, emotional judgment, outlooks,  response and use of power,  conflict resolution and on and on.  With the increase in generational issues, diversity of cultures in organizations and pace of change, soft skills will increasingly get more important.

Organizations spend billions overall in training programs - some with good returns and others with little or none.  

Blog Category: 

When you want to improve your ability to select the right people for the job, or manage them more effectively, or develop them optimally, you need to realize that decision support tools have drastically improved in the last few years.    Choosing the right employees and managing them effectively involves ongoing decisions that need to be supported with critical information.  The validated information that is now available inexpensively is a really a game changer  (in the game of management).

Creating Capability: 

Blog Category: 

When you want to improve your ability to select the right people for the job, or manage them more effectively, or develop them optimally, you need to realize that decision support tools have drastically improved in the last few years.    Choosing the right employees and managing them effectively involves ongoing decisions that need to be supported with critical information.  The validated information that is now available inexpensively is a really a game changer  (in the game of management).


Creating Capability: 

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With advances in behavioral science combined with digital technology, great improvements have recently been made in our ability to predict performance in specific jobs and with the underlying predictive data, to assist in better onboarding and managing employees.  When it comes time to acquire talent, develop talent, plan talent or build effective teams, if you're not understanding the natural tendencies, motivations, work preferences, task preferences and attitudes of your people, you are paying a big price whether you know it or not. 


Creating Capability: 

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The recently developed capability to accurately predict whether someone will be a high, average or low performer on specific jobs is a very powerful management tool.  Increasingly,  it is one that is increasingly impacting the performance of organizations across the globe. The foundation for this capability rests in the ability to quickly profile a person's motivations, natural tendencies, preferences and attitudes along with their  knowledge and experience requirements and then relating  these to a validated job specific performance benchmark.  

Creating Capability: 

Blog Category: 

By Michelle Serra



There are many trade-offs that need to be managed to be an effective influencer and leader.  For managers, one of the most important is the paradoxical tradeoff between providing direction and achieving understanding (and planning).



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