July 2014

Creating Capability: 

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By accessing this specific research or running a study on a job you are hiring for, to fine tune the specifications, the level of understanding is increased greatly.  The end result is a single number, based on research that constitutes a probability of success in that job (success = high performance).  Selection decisions can be made MUCH more accurately.   Just in the last couple years, leading companies such as  MasterCard, Travelers, Qualcomm and hundreds of others have begun adopting this approach to select their people.

The ability to select the right person for the job, the team, the task… is a fundamental capability of highly successful organizations. Unfortunately, it is also an area that in most organization is done rather poorly and this would be clearly understood if they looked at their level of engagement, level of performance and productivity and level of positive retention.  The ability to select the best person for the job and figure out how to make the most of them now exists through a powerful proven assessment.
