Improving Business Performance by Achieving Understanding: A Discussion

New and Developing ways of "Understanding" before you Act or Decide

Behavioral and 360 Feedback Assessment Duo

Charlene Castillo's picture


Thousands of organizations periodically use 360 degree feedback as a way to assist, especially their leaders, in understanding how they are perceived and what they can look at to improve.  Many also use it for other purposes on performance or succession planning. In any case, there are issues to using conventional 360's alone - some can be mitigated by doing an effective implementation but other opportunities are missed.  By focusing on behaviors and combining the 360 feedback with an individual behavioral suitaiblity assessment,  the results are drastically improved. You get the what and the why and a much greater level of clarity on how to address opportunities and threats to your success.  This is illustrated in this video animation. Please let us know any comments or questions.

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