Career Development Solutions

Career Options 

The Career Options report provides a list of careers that are most suitable for an individual. The careers are listed starting with the careers that are most suitable for that person. The system searches on more than 600 careers and identifies the careers that best match the person's HATS preferences, interests, work environment preferences and personality patterns. The report can be restricted to careers related to specific levels of education.

Career Development

The Career Development report gives detailed guidance related to an individual’s career development. It includes the following topics: HATS Preferences, Interests, Preferred Work Environment, Interpersonal Skills, Motivation, Decision Making, and Leadership. 

Career Enjoyment Analysis

The Career Enjoyment Analysis report compares an individual to the specific requirements of a particular career, identifying the specific traits that would either support or detract from personal fulfillment and success in this career. It provides a narrative description of the contents of the graph, expanding on the meaning of each point as well as providing additional information that may be relevant to the person as related to this career.

Your Greatest Strengths

The Your Greatest Strengths report describes your greatest strengths. Some of the strengths described are paradoxical pairs of traits where two strengths seem to be opposite or contradictory, but in fact are complementary or synergistic. Paradoxical strengths describe a unique ability which enables you to be more versatile and to respond more effectively to a variety of different situations in your life or in your work.