Job Specific Data with HATS to Maximize Performance

The data produced by the HA system is based on job-specific research into what makes  a person a high performer at a specific job.  This research, on several thousand specific job types from warehouse worker and receptionist on up through CEO,  is based on statistically validated studies on high performers and average and low performers to provide highly accurate predictions of job success. This information enables an effective and powerful discussion on what areas need to be developed for the employee to advance and better meet the company's needs as well. It changes the dynamic and relationship between the manager and their employees.

The Ultimate Management Tool, What is it?What if you could design the ultimate management tool - Would it help select / hire the best?What if you could design the Ultimate Management Tool? Would it help Engage and Motivate your People?The Ultimate Management Tool? Would it help you retain them?The Ultimate Management Tool? Would it help you Develop them optimally?What would your Ultimate Management Tool consist of?What would your Ultimate Management Tool consist of?If you accurately understand then you can...Execute Optimally with accurate understanding / Execute poorly with misunderstandingHATS: Perhaps, the Ultimate Management Tool

"The U.S. Department of Labor has estimated the costs to replace an employee to be approximately 1/3 their annual salary; but when you start looking at the impact of hiring the wrong employee and having to replace them, some studies say 2.5 times annual earnings, some 4 times and some even higher." AGILEdge