Developing High Performing Teams Effectively

Developing a High Performing Team is rarely done effectively through fun and games. In fact, when you do conventional team building activities with team members who are not very self aware and not very team aware, those "get to know you" games often make things worse. The key is to initially develop a foundation with actionable understanding of both self and team. To learn more about the underpinnings of the Agiledge Team Performance Program, spend a few minutes with Charlene to the left!

Developing an Actionable Understanding of your colleagues and yourself (often neglected by executive teams who believe they are "past that" but they very rarely are...) is the core component to building trust,  shared ownership and effective resolution.  Whether remote, blended or in the office together continually (a rarity now), an actionable understanding of self and each other is key and the enabler for the key behaviors and values that lead to team success!  In this discussion, we look at the ideal team behaviors versus what many teams tend to 'backslide' into - the bad behaviors and discuss how you get to the ideal and then prevent the back sliding- the latter is the most prevalent issue on most executive teams.

The AGILEDGE TEAM PERFORMANCE PROGRAM has taken dozens of leadership teams through a 3 phased journey to first improve and reinforce self awareness and then to build effective and actionable colleague awareness.  Why do it if it does not contribute to far better execution and the third phase is about executing, to take advantage of the new understanding,  while at the same time reinforcing the new understanding into the values, behaviors, habits and memory of the team.

How do you Achieve High Performance in Teams especially Dispersed and Remote Teams?

Generally speaking for a work team trying to achieve more complex worthwhile things,  it's not easy or simple but  there is general agreement that to do it well and consistently, you need to start from a foundation in trustworthiness which includes both job and task competency as well as behavioral attributes underlying good ethics, relevant interpersonal skills and personal effectiveness.  Here we discuss the team performance process and some of the issues that need to be addressed.